Tuesday, May 17, 2011


05.17.11, originally uploaded by colemama.

Just peeking through the trellis opening! The deep magenta bougainvillea drape these bright blue trellises all over the Edison State College campus - one of my favorite features of the site. As evidenced from the distant sky, this particular plant is a bit ragged and not as dense with colorful bracts as others, but this little cluster holds its own!

Stopping to chat with a group of sophomores this morning - getting their perceptions about a variety of topics related specifically to our school, and generally to education and learning. The conversation was short, but delightful! Given the opportunity to express their opinions in a guided sense, the students can partner with the policy makers and other constituents to create positive change - today, that sense of confidence was in evidence - just as these bracts defiantly stake their claim! Now to just channel that 'good stuff' in a positive direction! :) Edison State College, Naples, FL

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