Thursday, June 3, 2010


06.03.10, originally uploaded by colemama.

Tangrams - such a simple, and yet ingenious, creation! Who would have thought seven geometric pieces (originally a perfect square) would combine to create so many patterns? (In case you didn't recognize this one, these are two dogs playing!) Though often used as a game for creating pictures (which can lead to imaginative stories!) , these familiar shapes can also be used to increase spatial awareness/visual thinking and teach mathematical concepts!

Using simplicity to address complexities - what a concept! :) There are a number of thoughts that come to mind: the use of both right brain and left brain capabilities, the multiple benefits to both work and play, and the focus on creative thinking and problem-solving. Any way you look at it, it's all 'in the mind'! As one in the 'business' of developing minds, these tools cannot be ignored. Naples, FL


  1. And clearly I need more practice with them! I've used them often with my students. But honestly...I have such difficulty myself!

  2. Sometimes we have to start with the simple and build to complexity and sometimes start with the complexity and break it down to understand it. Different ways of seeing.
