Friday, October 15, 2010


10.15.10, originally uploaded by colemama.

Trying to close up the media center computer lab on a Friday afternoon and these two were still focused on a multimedia assignment for a language arts class. (Of course, I encouraged them to stay!) Many of their classmates had been down during their lunch breaks every day this week. The project (a retelling of a non-fiction selection) has been especially engaging and the teacher has been extremely satisfied with the on-task focus, the creativity, and the depth of understanding.

Despite the incredible amount of time spent (with likely intrusion on other lessons), this 'coverage' has been deep, interactive, quality and personal. Choosing to make the time is an important first step on the part of the teacher (and much credit is given to this fabulous teacher!). It is an important decision as curriculum standards, district initiatives, and a plethora of assessments compete for those hours on a regular basis. It becomes a daily dilemma for many teachers ... some have learned to go with their 'gut instinct' for what is right for students, but others have difficulty being swayed away from the 'top down' pressures. Lorenzo Walker campus, Naples, FL

1 comment:

  1. And which style results in deep thinking and learning? I would wager to say these students will remember this teacher not the top down ones.
