Sunday, October 10, 2010


10.10.10, originally uploaded by colemama.

Window dressing comes in many different forms between the mannequins, the golden reflections on the window and the aesthetically pleasing frame, both architecturally and horticulturallyl Perhaps because of the rectangular and symmetrical window, the odd number of under-dressed figures still appear to be balanced. Sometimes, though, window dressing attempts to hide the truth, the reality...instead presenting an embellished representation.

With the advent of internet publishing, many are easily swayed by websites that only appear to represent documented information. With the popularity of photo editing tools, the typical photograph can be transformed to be something entirely different. The imagination and innovation of so many 'ordinary' folk are easily share on the internet. Yet many of our youth (and adults for that matter) are easily swayed by the 'window dressing' - critical thinking skills are even more in demand with the ubiquity of the internet. 12h Ave S & 4th St, Naples, FL

1 comment:

  1. Consumerism is meant to make fools of all of us as we gullibly are convinced we NEED the next new thing. Ad men are very adept at window dressing.
