Monday, July 6, 2009


JUL062009, originally uploaded by colemama.

A request for photographs of our new buildings on campus put lots of images in the camera today! We are expecting the certificate of occupancy mid-July - right around the corner! The architectural lines are clean and linear, looking almost industrial (those elements are definitely in the interior), but with a few creative design touches!

Many years ago when I was involved with the construction of a community college campus, my thoughts were always focused on the 'life blood' of the campus buildings - no matter how beautiful or functional the buildings are, if the students are not there to 'test' them, the structures are meaningless! Those thoughts remain...A recent NECC debate about the merits and liabilities of traditional 4-walled classrooms accentuates the need to review the issue. Do the buildings truly dictate their underlying purpose? Can the structures be modified to adjust to changing needs? How does the building promote (or not) community? How does the aesthetic quality of the architecture influence learning of students...or does it? Ultimately, what is learning all about - does it even need a building - all of the time? some of the time? Lorenzo Walker campus, Naples, FL

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