Thursday, December 15, 2011


12.15.11 by colemama
12.15.11, a photo by colemama on Flickr.

Colorful pushpins take center stage...pointing every which way. A Buddhist proverb states, “If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.”

Remarkably, then, the key is figuring out if you are going in the right direction - a true dilemma sometimes! You can research and chat with others, but ultimately the decision is made (even a 'non-decision' becomes a decision by default!) and then commitment kicks into gear. Inertia, another roadblock, gets you, that 'walking' is not as easy as it sounds! Lorenzo Walker campus, Naples, FL

1 comment:

  1. But these are transparent - so many decisions made are not!
