Wednesday, March 30, 2011


03.30.11, originally uploaded by colemama.

This popular restaurant uses the sidewalk billboard signage to draw its customers...well, that, and its name recognition. Certain sections of town really don't need much to draw in folks during the 'season' - their location is the draw and most feed off of that placement....even at these prices. ;) 'Location, location, location' is the home buyer's mantra and that maxim has usually paid off.

After spending the day working with freshman and their research papers, my mantra was 'think, think, think'! In our 'copy and paste' world, students need to be encouraged and supported to engage their brains. The evaluative process continues to be challenging, but kicking in the relevancy and 'entertaining' factors can go a long way! 5th Ave S & 3rd St, Naples, FL

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