Saturday, March 26, 2011


03.26.11, originally uploaded by colemama.

The jacaranda are once again pretty sparse this year - both in terms of blooming trees and in density of blooms, but we'll take what we can get! :) Another of nature's beauties...even if in short supply! Keenly aware of our natural resources, we should all be cognizant of their limitations and doing our part to conserve and reduce/recycle use. It's timely, then, that tonight's Earth Hour reminds us not only of the precious earth, but also of our accountability in sustaining it.

In teaching a undergraduate face-to-face class this semester, it would be easy to revert to the traditional excess paper to supplement knowledge resources and assignments, but all has been done online thus far. Even a pair of students submitted their collaborative lesson plan assignment via an email attachment and applicable links - appropriately, their lesson plan related to next month's Earth Day! :)

While writing this, I was informed of the death of Geraldine Ferraro - may she rest in peace having led the platform for equality, especially with respect to women. Although she didn't come without controversy, her nominations as the first female vice presidential candidate was trailblazing. Naples, FL


  1. Beautiful flowers, that much more because they are sparse. There are reminders all around us of how our resources are not unlimited and we must learn to preserve them.

  2. Very pretty colours! That little bit of green is a nice contrast to the purple and blue.
