Sunday, March 27, 2011


03.27.11, originally uploaded by colemama.

The dawns are arriving later now with the time change, but seem to be more powerful than ever! The big ball of light also rose quite quickly as I'd hoped to get to the top of the parking garage for a better frond silhouette. Instead, this shot reminds me of something from the desert with the blazing sun. Just when you think you have enough time, you never do! There's something about doublling your estimated time in an effort to accomplish a task, but today, I could have quintupled my estimate and still needed more time...and that dealt with another project, and not this sunrise shot. But, oh well, tomorrow's another day! :) 6th Ave N & 8th St, Naples, FL

1 comment:

  1. Never enough time in a day but views like this make us grateful for a new day and another chance to complete projects. Beautiful way to start a day for sure.
