Monday, November 2, 2009


NOV022009, originally uploaded by colemama.

After putting off household maintenance items for too long, I finally took some time to tackle some yesterday. One task, fixing a leaky faucet, required a trip to the home improvement store for supplies and advice. What a coup - I learned more than I needed to know and left with the loan of a tool, the 'magic key'. Indeed, it came in handy as I methodically disassembled the bathroom faucet and successfully fixed the leak (yea me!). And the experience reminded me how much we ignore the amount and quality of problem-solving, thinking and creativity that are required for so many of the 'hands-on' careers and avocations. We have misplaced value, not giving credit for the tactile knowledge and the spatial skills that equal, if not surpass, the intellectual philosophizing! Naples, FL

1 comment:

  1. I certainly know that is a deficit of mine - our education emphasizes the intellectual over the practical hands on skills. Congratulations on your success - I need to follow your example.
