Tuesday, February 16, 2010


02.16.10, originally uploaded by colemama.

Origami, the Japanese art of paper folding, is a daily exercise with help of the Media Center's 2010 Calendar. It is always intriguing to watch a flat piece of paper transform into a three dimensional object ... all with one's hands and geometric folds. It is amazingly difficult to fold with the necessary precision and even more so to interpret the written and pictorial instructions.

The focus on verbal skills alone is really an isolated goal these days, as so much of our world is integrated with text, audio/verbal, visual and 'hands on' expectations. As an advocate for both interdisciplinary content and the embedding of technology, I'm always excited to see the recognition and incorporation of both in the classrooms. Focusing on student learning needs is really what it's all about! Lorenzo Walker campus, Naples, FL

1 comment:

  1. I think those instructions are interpreted differently by Japanese. Many years ago when I was teaching Grade 1, I had a couple of children in my class from Japan. They taught us how to do a couple of different origami shapes. They could quickly fold, turn, fold, turn and create all kinds of things. We (myself included) struggled, but we got there eventually.
