Thursday, December 31, 2009


DEC312009, originally uploaded by colemama.

Arriving at one goal is the starting point to another.
~ John Dewey

This marks the last day of the year 2009, but like these steps to and from the beach, tomorrow's new year can mark a path of both 'coming and going'....With an eye towards the future, we learn from our past, solidly grounded in the 'here and now' of the present.

The daily photographic capture (composition, mechanics, post-processing) continues to provide an internal measure of discipline that stretches my views, perceptions and colors of the world. Reflections flow into personal words and meanings - though not always easily verbalized. Connections with others across the globe add an indescribable depth and flavor. Learning is contiguous and cyclical. This year's 365 project has been time-consuming, no doubt - but it is a choice made from the heart, the soul and the mind...and I'll do it again in two thousand and ten. 2nd Ave N & Gulf of Mexico, Naples, FL

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