Sunday, June 7, 2009


JUN072009, originally uploaded by colemama.

In the final preparations for dinner and for some reason I'm reflecting on those who are without their daily nutrition - might be watching those on the shoreline poking the sand for their dinner or that compelling television advertisement for Meals on Wheels or even the lucky Powerball winner in South Dakota down on his luck - a rancher trying to coax a living from the land.

Hunger - much more than a need for food - can be a motivator for learning as well. Creating hungry students (wanting them to come back for more) is a lofty goal, but one well worth striving for - imagine the possibilities when teens are starved for knowledge and wisdom...or maybe they already are and we are not feeding them...3rd Ave N & Gulf of Mexico, Naples, FL

1 comment:

  1. What a great photo. I think we are not feeding the students the right food. They are hungry but satisfy their urge for knowledge and their curiosity elsewhere.
