Saturday, July 24, 2010


07.23.10, originally uploaded by colemama.

This stained glass piece was created for my maternal grandmother decades ago. When she died, it was retrieved as an artifact by which to remember her. It is definitely special in that regard. Most of us have items of sentimental value - those which are irreplaceable, invaluable.

Perhaps due to my age and/or experience, it seems I've collected quite a few such items! Every year I think about the need to sift through those that are less meaningful, but every year, I just seem to accumulate more memories without prioritizing the older ones for possible removal. There's definitely some 'housekeeping' in order - You'd think that a tropical storm would have provided that opportunity...but so many more interesting things to do! Oh, and by the way, this one will always be a 'keeper'. :) Naples, FL

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful stained glass, and interesting angle! It is difficult to purge memories. Everything in moderation, I say. I agree- don't spare this one!
