Saturday, July 3, 2010


07.03.10, originally uploaded by colemama.

I know sign-makers need to eat too, but I was surprised to see these 'how to read the crosswalk indicator' signs at every intersection. Apparently, explicit directions are needed - at least so it would seem. I've not seen anyone stop to read them before crossing the intersection, either safely or not so.

There is quite a bit of verbiage on legal contracts, terms of service, and even processed food containers - much of it unnecessary and most of it unread. Its purpose is served in the name of safety and protecting the rights of people and/or companies, but it loses value when it isn't read or understood. How many times have we actually read the details before signing or checking off 'I agree'? Even if I attempt to get through the words, my brows furrow at the jargon and I deem myself illiterate (despite my education). Communication often needs enhancement, but neither of these are good examples...or is it just me? ;) Gulfshore Blvd and the entrance to Lowdermilk Park, Naples, FL

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