Tuesday, January 11, 2011


01.11.11, originally uploaded by colemama.

A foggy morning before dawn in the school parking lot - the shot taken by an iPhone with the ToonCamera effect. The distortion provides a muted reality, but yet we know what it resembles - our brains unconsciously make that translation with little effort.

Rarely do we take the time to examine that reality or in this case, its facsimile. We go on about our lives in the comfort of the usual routine...until something happens to make us re-examine our reality. Those events can be large (deadly natural or man-created tragedies) or small (a quote, an image, a conversation) - but they are a catalyst for thinking, engaging the mind, and letting the proverbial "wheels turn." Our educational systems and many workplaces still resemble industrial factories where the routine is established and expected...but few wheels are turning. In schools we need to make every effort to 'create' those circumstances that trigger such an examination...to go beyond the routine, albeit difficult to do. Lorenzo Walker campus, Naples, FL


  1. Love the processing in this picture and totally agree with your reflection. Well said.

  2. Love this effect. Wise thoughts as well!

  3. Let's hope we can get some wheels turning at school this year.

  4. Can't agree with you more. We need to create situations that are not cut and dry and help the students fill in the missing bits through thinking, problem-solving, creativity. Fun to play with different tools - the image gives food for thought.
