Wednesday, September 29, 2010


09.29.10, originally uploaded by colemama.

This bougainvillea thorn is deadly sharp. The thorns often hide behind the leaves on the branch and they are quite prolific...laying in wait for the next 'victim'!

Attended a virtual summit on e-books today (as best as one can while still trying to conduct daily business) and though many revealing presentations and conversations, there are certainly thorny issues to consider. As with any new 'technology,' it is difficult (but exciting) to anticipate future needs, but I'm in agreement that e-books have indeed hit the tipping point already and I'm not sure most of us are prepared for that transition. The platforms continue to blossom, the content is becoming more ubiquitous, and it likely represents a huge shift for not only libraries but learning. Naples, FL

1 comment:

  1. I find the shadow stands out more than the thorn - is that the shadow of the past lurking, not wanting the change towards digital?
