Friday, September 24, 2010


09.24.10, originally uploaded by colemama.

Attempts to narrow my focus to just two books at a time - one adult and one young adult - has been less than successful. It seems my attention gets distracted with each new title...and worse, my dedicated reading time continues to shrink. But I will persist! :)

Reflecting on reading and books (even if just for pleasure) always reminds me of the value of such literacy. And this time of year, the Banned Books week features another important aspect of reading, books, and libraries - that of intellectual freedom...the right to access information and ideas, no matter their mainstream agreement, admiration or acceptance. It reminds me that we are not only lucky to live in an environment that encourages intellectual freedom, but that not everyone respects the same freedoms. Share the responsibility and the rewards of this freedom. Naples, FL

1 comment:

  1. And now I must get reading - my book group is on Monday and I'm not yet finished the book. I highly recomment The Winter Vault by Anne Michaels
